HTML MCQ For Experienced

HTML MCQ Advnace level

Sure shot questions to crack any Interviews and Exams!!

01. Html documents are saved in which format?

  1. Binary format
  2. Machine language codes
  3. ASCII text
  4. None of these

02. Which character tells browser to stop tagging the text?

  1. /
  2. >
  3. %
  4. ?

03. In an HTML document the tags

  1. Should be written in both upper case or lower case
  2. Should be written in lower case
  3. Should be written in upper case
  4. None of the above

04. Marquee tag in HTML is used to

  1. Mark the items in a enqueue
  2. Mark the text so that it is hidden in the browser
  3. Display text with a scrolling effect
  4. None of the above

05. To create a blank line in the web page

  1. Press Shift + Enter
  2. Insert <br> tag
  3. Insert <new-line> tag
  4. Insert <tr> tag

06. Which of the following is not a correct style tag in HTML?

  1. <b>
  2. <tt>
  3. <i>
  4. All are correct style tags

07. By which of the following way(s) the browser display the object can be modified?

  1. Attributes
  2. Parameters
  3. Modifiers
  4. None of these

08. Which of the following attribute(s) are related to the font tag?

  1. Size
  2. Family
  3. Color
  4. All of the above

09. Which attribute is used with to display the text if the image could not load in the browser?

  1. Alt
  2. Description
  3. Meta
  4. All of the above

10. Which attribute is used with <td>> tag to merge cells horizontally?

  1. colspan
  2. merge cell
  3. merge row
  4. None of these

11. The text within <em> ... </em> tag is displayed as ___

  1. Bold
  2. Italic
  3. List
  4. Indented

12. <ul> ... </ul> tag is used to ____

  1. Display the numbered list
  2. Underline the text
  3. Display the bulleted list
  4. None of these

13. Which of the following tag(s) is used to display the large font size?

  1. <large> </large>
  2. <big> </big>
  3. <size> </size>
  4. <font> </font>

14. <script>...</script> tag can be placed within ___

  1. body
  2. header
  3. Both A and B
  4. None of these

15. <td> ... </td> tag is used for ___

  1. Table heading
  2. Table row
  3. Table Record
  4. None of these

16. Correct syntax in HTML for creating a link on a webpage

  1. <link src="">
  2. <body link="">
  3. <a src="">
  4. <a href="">

17. Which of the following is an attribute of the <table> tag?

  1. link
  2. src
  3. cellpadding
  4. bold

18. Which of the following tags are related to Table in HTML?

  1. <table><row><column>
  2. <table><tr><td>
  3. <table><head><body>
  4. <table><header><footer>

19. Is it possible to insert a table within another table?

  1. Yes, but there must be exactly 2 rows and 2 columns in the first table
  2. Yes, the table can be inserted into the cell of another table
  3. Yes, but there must be no border in the second table
  4. No, it's not possible

20. What is the use of alt attribute in <img> tag?

  1. Alternative text for an image
  2. Alternative source of an image
  3. Caption of an Image
  4. All of the above

21. Which of the following is the correct regarding meta tag in HTML?

  1. <meta> ... </meta>
  2. <meta name=" " />
  3. <metadata> ... </metadata>
  4. <metadata name=" ">

22. Which of the following is correct to align H1 tag to right alignment

  1. <h1 align="right"> ... </h1>
  2. <h1 alignment="right"> ... </h1>
  3. <h1 tag align="right"> ... </h1>
  4. None of these

23. Which of the following is correct to change font face in web page?

  1. <font="font name"> ... </font>
  2. <font name ="font name"> ... </font>
  3. <font face="font name"> ... </font>
  4. None of these

24. Which of the following is correct character entities for "Copyright"

  1. &#149
  2. &#159
  3. &#169
  4. &#179

25. Which tag is used to display preformatted texts?

  1. <pre> ... </pre>
  2. <prefor> ... </prefor>
  3. <pre text> ... </pre text>
  4. <pre format> ... </pre format>

26. HTML language is a set of markup ___

  1. Tags
  2. Sets
  3. Groups
  4. Attributes

27. HTML tags are used to describe document's ___

  1. Definition
  2. Language
  3. Content
  4. None of these

28. HTML document can contain

  1. Tags
  2. Plain text
  3. Attributes
  4. All of the above

29. The extension of HTML document is

  1. .htl
  2. .html
  3. .htlm
  4. .hmlt

30. Which of the following software(s) can read and render HTML documents?

  1. Server
  2. Compiler
  3. Interpreter
  4. Browser

31. PCs running window 3.x will have which of the following extension for HTML page?

  1. .htl
  2. .html
  3. .htm
  4. .hml

31. Who is the primary author of HTML?

  1. Brendan Eich
  2. Tim Berners-Lee
  3. Web Programmer
  4. Google Inc

32. HTML was first proposed in the year ___

  1. 1980
  2. 1990
  3. 1995
  4. 2000

33. HTML document contain one root tag called

  1. head
  2. title
  3. body
  4. html

34. Pick the odd out

  1. table
  2. tr
  3. td
  4. form

35. The first page of a website is called

  1. Design page
  2. Main page
  3. Home page
  4. First page

36. Which of the following connects web pages?

  1. Connector
  2. Link
  3. Hyperlink
  4. None of these

37. Title tag is nested within which of the following tag?

  1. body
  2. head
  3. meta
  4. div

38. What is Default extension for a HTML document?

  1. .htm
  2. .html
  3. Both A and B
  4. None of these

39. HTML comment begins with_____ symbol.

  1. <
  2. >
  3. <!
  4. !>

40. HTML comment ends with ______symbol.

  1. <
  2. >
  3. <! --
  4. -->

41. SGML stands for

  1. Standard Grand Markup Language
  2. Synchronized Generalized Markup Language
  3. Standard Generalized Markup Language
  4. Simple Generalized Markup Language

42. DTD stands in markup language for_______.

  1. Document Type Definition
  2. Data Type Definition
  3. Digital Type Definition
  4. Design Type Definition

43. DDL stands for ______

  1. Data Description Library
  2. Data Description Language
  3. Data Description Liberty
  4. Data Description License

44. The title to be displayed at the top of the browser window or browser tab is enclosed in_____ .

  1. < HTML > ... < =HTML >
  2. < HEAD > ... < =HEAD >
  3. < TITLE > ... < /T ITLE >
  4. < BODY > ... < =BODY >

45. In HTML, the two digit color code value ranges from 00 to_____ in hexadecimal.

  1. AA
  2. 11
  3. FF
  4. CC

46. ______tag is used to display different HTML pages in a single window (not recommended for mobile viewing).

  1. font
  2. frameset
  3. table
  4. img

47. Which HTML tag would be used to display power in expression (x + y)2?

  1. <sup>
  2. <sub>
  3. <b>
  4. <p>

48. What is the use of Forms in HTML?

  1. To display contents of email
  2. To display animation effect
  3. To collect user's input
  4. None of the above

49. Use of iframe in HTML?

  1. To display a web page within a web page
  2. To display a web page with an animation effect
  3. To display a web page without a browser
  4. All of the above

50. Default font size of HTML is

  1. 2
  2. 3
  3. 14
  4. 16

51. The Largest font size that can be displayed in a browser is

  1. 20
  2. 7
  3. 18
  4. 4

52. In order to upload a HTML file to a web server, we use

  1. HTTP
  2. SMTP
  3. UDP
  4. FTP

53. Which attribute adds space within the cells

  1. cell-spacing
  2. cell-padding
  3. cell-width
  4. cell-align

54. An ordered list is a ...... list and an unordered list is a ..... list.

  1. bulleted & numbered
  2. bulleted & tabular
  3. tabular & numbered
  4. numbered & bulleted

55. A web document is broken into sections. What are the tags called which create these sections?

  1. Structure tags
  2. HTML tags
  3. Heading tags
  4. body tags