HTML Multiple Choice Questions with Answer
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HTML MCQ Questions And Answers
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01. How many levels of headings are available in HTML?
- Three
- Four
- Five
- Six
Answer: 4) Six
Explanation: In HTML six types of headings are allowed which are as follows - h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, and h6.
02. What is the purpose of markup
- Add hypertext capabilities
- Enhance the document
- Both 1 & 2
- None of the above
Answer: 3). Both 1 & 2
Explanation: Markup is used solely to identify document components for what they are, as opposed to how they should be handled. Numerous such labels are provided by well-known systems including LaTeX, HTML, and XML. The goal is to separate the document's structure from any specific way that it has been handled or presented.
03. Tag doesn't require a terminator.
- <u>
- <br>
- <b>
- None of the above
Answer: 2). <br>
Explanation: <br> is used for a line break in html. This tag doesn't require a closing tag. In HTML5 it is represented as <br/>
04. Which tag is used for ordered list
- <h1>
- <ul>
- <ol>
- <ml>
Answer: 3). <ol>
Explanation: <ol> tag is used to display list in ordered form.
05. For a particular font its size attribute can be an absolute value ranging from
- 1 - 10
- 1 - 9
- 1 - 8
- 1 - 7
Answer: 1). 1 - 10
Explanation: NA
06. What are the major components of a Web browser ___
- Menu Bar
- Toolbar
- Location
- All of the Above
Answer: 4). All of the Above
Explanation: Menubar, toolbar, location are some of the major components of a web browser.
07. Which tag is used to insert graphics in a webpage?
- <image>
- <images>
- <img>
- <graphics>
Answer: 3). <img>
Explanation: <img> tag is used to display images in a webpage.
08. Which HTML tag is used to display the content as a moving text?
- <marquee>
- </img>
- <a href>
- None of the above
Answer: 1). <marquee>
Explanation: The marquee is a non-standard HTML tag which was used to create a scrolling text or an image. It was used to make the text/image scroll horizontally or vertically, and left or right across the web page.
09. HTML comment syntax is ___
- <!-And->
- <!>!
- <!-And="">
- None of the above
Answer: 1). <!-And->
Explanation: <-This is comment line in HTML->
10. Which tag is used before beginning of any paragraph text?
- <textarea>
- <sup>
- <p>
- <h1>
Answer: 3). <p>
Explanation: For any paragraph in HTML, the paragraph must be enclosed with opening <p> and closing </p> tag.
11. Which of the following elements can be used to identify your HTML file to the outside world
- title
- body
- head
- None of these
Answer: 4). None of these
12. The symbol that identities that href attribute as the name of a NAME anchor rather than an address or filename is
- &
- $
- #
- !
Answer: 3). #
Explanation: NA
13. How to create an ordered list in html?
- <HI>
- <UL>
- <OL>
- <ML>
Answer: 3). OL
Explanation: We can create two types of list in HTML ie. ordered and unordered list. Ordered list is represented by <OL> and unordered list is represented by <UL>.
14. HTML is the method where ordinary text can be converted into
- ASCII text
- EBCDIC text
- IEEE text
- Hyper text
Answer: 4). Hyper text
Explanation: NA
15. OLE stands for ___
- Object-level embedding
- Object linking and embedding
- Object-level extraction
- None of these
Answer: 2). Object linking and embedding
16. The tag to give visual division between sections of the page and which causes the browser to draw an embossed line is
- <HL>
- <HR>
- <UR>
- None of these
Answer: 2). <HR>
Explanation: NA
17. Which one of the following tags is used to insert graphics on the web page?
- <image>
- <images>
- <img>
- <graphics>
Answer: 3). <img>
Explanation: <img> tags is used to insert graphics / images on the web page.
18. In HTML, which tag contains the information about the current document such as title etc.
- body
- td
- head
- None of these
Answer: 3). head
Explanation: Head tag contains all the information about the current document.
19. JPEG stands for
- Joint photographic embedded group
- Joint photographic extended group
- Joint photographic experts group
- None of the above
Answer: 3). Joint photographic experts group
Explanation: JPEG stands for Joint photographic experts group
20. TIFF stands for
- Tagged image file format
- Textual images file format
- Tagged image font file
- None of the above
Answer: 1). Tagged image file format
Explanation: TIFF stands for Tagged image file format
21. For abbreviation in HTML we can use
- <abbr> </abbr> tags
- <acronym> </acronym>
- Both of the above
- None of these
Answer: 3). Both of the above
Explanation: NA
22. URL is an acronym for
- Universal research locator
- Universal resource locator
- Uniform research locator
- Uniform resource locator
Answer: 4). Uniform resource locator
Explanation: URL stands for Uniform resource locator
23. IMAP is an acronym for
- Internet mail access protocol
- International mail access protocol
- Interactive mail access protocol
- None of these
Answer: 3). Interactive mail access protocol
Explanation: IMAP stands for Interactive mail access protocol
24. URI is the acronym for
- Universal resource identifier
- Unified resource identifier
- Universal reference identifier
- None of the above
Answer: 1). Universal resource identifier
Explanation: URI stands for Universal resource identifier
25. HTML is acronym for
- Hypertext marking language
- Hypertext making language
- Hypertext markup language
- Hyper transport markup language
Answer: 3). Hypertext markup language
Explanation: HTML stands for Hypertext markup language
26. HTTP stands for
- Hyper Text Transfer Protocol
- Hyper Text Transfer Process
- Higher Text Transfer Process
- None of these
Answer: 1). Hyper text transfer protocol
Explanation: Within the scope of the Internet protocol family, HTTP is an application layer protocol. Since Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) is a dependable transport layer protocol that is assumed by its specification, it is often utilised.
27. <b> tag makes the enclosed text bold. Which is another tag to make text bold?
- <strong>
- <dark>
- <bold>
- <emp>
Answer: 1). <strong>
Explanation: The <strong> tag is used to define text with strong importance. The content inside is typically displayed in bold.
28. Tags and text that are not directly displayed on the page are written in which section of HTML?
- <html>
- <head>
- <title>
- <body>
Answer: 2). <head>
Explanation: NA
29. What is the first tag in any HTML document?
- <head>
- <title>
- <html>
- <document>
Answer: <html>
Explanation: <html> tag is the first and important tag in any HTML document.
30. In HTML which tag allows you to add a row in a table?
- <td> and </td>
- <cr> and </cr>
- <th> and </th>
- <tr> and </tr>
Answer: 4). <tr> and </tr>
Explanation: NA
31. In HTML how can you make a bulleted list?
- <list>
- <bl>
- <ul>
- <ol>
Answer: 3). <ul>
Explanation: Explained already!
32. How can you make an e-mail link in HTML?
- <a href=""></a>
- <mail href=""></mail>
- <mail></mail>
- <a href="">Email</a>
Answer: 4). <a href="">Email</a>
33. Correct format for creating a hyperlink in HTML
- <a href="">HTML Quiz</a>
- <a name="">HTML Quiz</a>
- <a url="">HTML Quiz</a>
- <link>HTML Quiz</link>
Answer: 1). <a href="">HTML Quiz</a>
34. Which of the following is correct HTML tag to make a text italic
- <i>
- <italic>
- <em>
- Both 1 & 3
Answer: 4). Both 1 & 3
35. Which of the following is the correct HTML tag to make the text bold?
- <b>
- <bold>
- <strong>
- Both 1 & 3
Answer: 4). Both 1 & 3
36. How to change the background color of HTML body?
- <body color="blue">
- <body bgcolor="blue">
- <background>Blue</background>
- <body background="Blue">
Answer: 2). <body bgcolor="blue">
37. Choose the correct HTML tag for the smallest heading size.
- <heading>
- <small heading>
- <h1>
- <h6>
Answer: 4). <h6>
38. What is the correct HTML tag for inserting a line break?
- <br>
- <lb>
- <break>
- <newline>
Answer: 1). <br>
39. What does vlink attribute mean?
- Visited link
- Virtual link
- Valid link
- Value link
Answer: 1). Visited link
40. Which attribute is used to name an element uniquely?
- class
- id
- dot
- All of the above
Answer: 2). id
Explanation: Id uniquely identify an element.
41. How to create a check-box in HTML form?
- <checkbox>
- <input type="checkbox">
- <input = checkbox>
- <input checkbox>
Answer: 2). <input type="checkbox">
42. Which HTML tag is used to create a drop-down box?
- <select>
- <list>
- <input type = "dropdown">
- All of the above
Answer: 1). <select>
43. Which HTML tag does not require a pair tag?
- <p>
- <u>
- <i>
- <img>
Answer: 4). <img>
Explanation: An image tag does't require a closing tag in HTML5. It is represented as <img src=" " alt=" " />
44. The special formatting code in HTML documents used to populate content are ___
- tags
- attributes
- values
- None of these
Answer: 1). tags
45. Html documents are saved in which format?
- Binary format
- Machine language codes
- ASCII text
- None of these
Answer: 3). ASCII text
46. Which character tells browser to stop tagging the text?
- /
- >
- %
- ?
Answer: 1). /
47. In an HTML document the tags
- should be written in both upper case or lower case
- should be written in lower case
- should be written in upper case
- None of these
Answer: 1). should be written in both upper case or lower case
Explanation: HTML tags are not case sensitive.
48. Which of the following is not a correct style tag in HTML?
- <b>
- <tt>
- <i>
- All are correct style tags
Answer: 4). All are correct style tags
49. By which of the following way(s) the browser display the object can be modified?
- Attributes
- Parameters
- Modifiers
- None of the above
Answer: 1). Attributes
50. Which attribute is used with <img> to display the text if the image could not load in the browser?
- alt
- description
- meta
- All of these
Answer: 1). alt
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HTML MCQs Questions and Answers with PDF. Download free fixed-shot objective type MCQs for job interviews, viva and any other competitive exams. HTML is the basis of any web development programming language. So, if you want to make a career in web development then HTML expertise is very important for you.
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